Monday, January 20, 2020

Movie Review: Bad Boys For Life

Michael's Movie Grade: B

A lot of fun with all the action and humor you would except plus a surprising amount of well done sentimentality.

This is a Bad Boys movie and as such the main appeal is the chemistry between Will Smith and Martian Lawrence. This is luckily as great as ever. These two work off each other perfectly not only in the comedic scenes, but in the more serious scenes as well. These two are a joy to see together on screen and it is easy to truly believe that these two are brothers in all but blood when watching this film. This is what makes the more sentimental moments of this movie work. Yes that is right I said sentimental in a review of a Bad Boys movie. There is a surprising amount of that here as this film examines the relationship between these characters in a way that the previous two never would (perhaps because Michael Bay is no longer the director). What is surprising about this is that it works. The relationship between these two characters is very relatable and real. When the two fight in this movie it doesn't feel like a comedic scene, but one that is heartbreakingly bitter. We want to see these two together and the idea that they may not be Bad Boys For Life is not a happy one. Don't worry though none of this means that the humor and action is in anyway lacking. There are tons of jokes and while not all of them hit, the ones that do are quite funny. The audience I saw this movie with laughed out loud quite a bit and so did I. The action is as good as one could hope for. It is as over the top and fun as one would except from a Bad Boys film. You may not be able to take all of these action scenes seriously but once again this is a Bad Boys movie. The story is definitely one we have seen a million times before, but it is still quite well done and the more depth that is added to our main characters certainly helps quite a bit. This movie also has the best villain of the series.

If I were to complain about this movie the first thing, I would complain about is the new group of young cops the boys work with. These characters are simply not very interesting and feel like stereotypes of movie characters we have seen many times. Certainly more could have done to make them interesting considering this movie gave other characters more depth than the previous films.

I didn't except much from this movie, and came away having quite a good time.

-Michael J. Ruhland

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