Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Ms. Marvel: Destined (2022)


Another delightful episode. 

In this episode, the Department of Damage Control is trying to find Kamala. Meanwhile, Kamala may have a clue to how she got her superpowers. 

This episode continues the charm of the previous two episodes. Kamala continues to be a wonderful and likable character. This only becomes even truer with this episode. Here we take a deeper dive into who exactly Kamala is and the deeper we dive in the more we like her. Even as she is going through moral dilemmas and is not sure which way to turn, we still see her wonderfully beautiful heart shine through. We also fully find ourselves invested in her moral dilemmas as she wonders whether or not she is cut out to be a superhero. Though we may not have superpowers we can fully see ourselves in her self-doubt and uncertainty. We have all felt exactly like how she does before. As well as this character exploration, we also have some old-fashioned superhero fun here. This episode provides us with our first real fight scene, and it is very well done. It is well-choregraphed, shot and quite exciting. It also makes good use out of Kamala being new to the whole superhero thing, while those she is fighting our much more experienced. This touch makes the whole fight scene seem all the more believable and adds some great suspense. 

The only problem I have with this episode is that villains are very bland so far. However hopefully they will grow on me in future episodes. 

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