Saturday, September 14, 2019

Movie Review: Hustlers

Michael's Movie Grade: F

I may be in the minority, when I state that I hated this movie. However whatever the appeal of this film is, it completely alludes me.

This is a movie that offers no emotional connection at all. There is no reason for us to care about our main characters and the victims are so blandly presented that we don't really feel sorry for them. Our two main characters are the only ones given any personalities. However there is nothing about either's personality that comes off as either likable or engaging. Every other character is given one personality trait. It doesn't help that they are given very clumsy dialogue. Some of these personality traits are not even personality traits at all. For instance one of the partners of our two leads pukes at inopportune times (however no one working on this film could come up with an inopportune time that might actually be funny). On that note this movie has many attempts at humor. However I laughed at only one joke in the entire movie (paying for an expensive purse with all ones got a chuckle out of me).

The movie's biggest fault however is that it gets repetitive. In the scenes before the actually scheme, this film could be called Strip Club: The Movie. ,It feels like a long music video of barely dressed women dancing to hip hop music (something that does not help with this reviewer who couldn't care less about that type of music). It doesn't take long for this to become monotonous and boring. After the scheme comes to be the film simply becomes them doing it to another man over and over again.  By the time things get serious I had already stopped caring.

This movie tries to have an anti-capitalist theme. This feels extremely forced into the film as it is mostly shown in clumsily written dialogue. Not helping is that everything stated is something we have heard a million times before leaving nothing thought-provoking for the audience.

Despite being less than two hours this film felt extremely long and the more it went along the more I wanted it to be over.

-Michael J. Ruhland

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