Friday, July 5, 2024

Movie Review: Kill


Michael's Movie Grade: B

A well-made action film from India. 

This movie may have a familiar story to any action fan but it is done well enough that you may not care. One of the aspects that really makes this movie stand out is that despite being familiar in some parts there is a real sense of suspense here. Unlike a Hollywood action flick, this film is not afraid to kill off characters that most action films wouldn't touch. With the knowledge that no one is completely safe here, we can actually feel worried about what might happen. The action scenes themselves are very well done with quite a bit of great chorography, cinematography and pacing. All of these enhance these incredibly gory action scenes making them very exciting. The characters and story may be simple, but they do their job of making us care about these characters just enough. 

This film does have its flaws though. Chief these is that as great as the action is, it can get much too repetitive at times especially with the film mostly taking place in one setting. The dialogue during the romantic scenes can feel quite forced and corny at times. 

While not a perfect movie, this has more than enough to satisfy action fans.  

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