Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The All-New Super Friends Hour: Shark (1977)


This is the second segment of the seventh episode of The All-New Super Friends Hour, unlike most other Super Friends formats, this one had hour long episodes that were made up of various shorter cartoons. The first segment would be an adventure staring two members (or three in some cases as Batman and Robin would often team with another Super Friend) of the Super Friends. The second would be a morality play staring the Wonder Twins. The third would be a typical half hour Super Friends adventure. The fourth and last segment would feature one of the main Super Friends teaming up with a special DC Comics guest star.

In this cartoon two teenagers go out into dangerous waters and meet up with a shark. The Wonder Twins must save them. 

This is another lame Wonder Twins cartoon. The storyline is simply an excuse to communicate a very simplistic message to young kids. Little happens in this cartoon despite that. Once again, this short is low on action and fun, but high on teaching kids a moral. As such, outside of some great artwork, this holds little intrest to superhero fans, whose ages are in the double digits. 

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