Friday, February 25, 2022

Movie Review: Dog


Michael's Movie Grade: C+

A very predictable but enjoyable buddy movie.

There is nothing here you have not seen a million times before. A man who has become a bit selfish has to make a road trip with a dog. He at first dislikes this dog and views her as a burden. However, over the course of the trip he grows to care for her and grows as a person as well. As you can tell this in many ways is your typical buddy movie mixed with your typical dog movie and you have to have never seen either type of film before to not know what is going to happen next at any time. Still just because something is not original doesn't mean it can't be effective and this movie work where it needs to. The film can really shine in the scenes about the bond between our two main characters. You truly believe these two characters through every step of their relationship from enemies to best friends. Despite having seen it before, there are a few moments that are genuinely touching. Plus, the scenes towards the end really do pull on your heartstrings. The interplay between the two can also get a few good laughs. Although the main human character can be selfish, he never becomes too unlikable. Part of this is due to a certain charm that Channing Tatum (who also co-directed this movie) brings to the role even during the most selfish scenes. There are a few moments where the character almost crosses that line between likable and unlikable, but he never actually does cross it. 

There are however two things I really disliked about this movie. The first is our main human character's attempts to seduce women. These are the few times in which he almost crosses the line into becoming unlikable. However this is not the only problem with these scenes. They are also full of very unfunny comedy and awkwardly written dialogue. To make matters worse, these scenes could have been cut and the movie would lose nothing story wise or emotion wise. I also really didn't like this movie's attempts at social commentary. They feel completely forced in and out of place here. 

This may not be a great movie, but it does provide one with a fun trip to the movies and sometimes that is exactly what you want.  

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