Thursday, December 12, 2019

Movie Review: Jumanji: The Next Level

Michael's Movie Grade: B

Tons of fun.

This movie does an excellent job making this sequel different from its predecessor, while still being enough like the first movie to please fans. There are more emotional moments this time around. While I could see them coming from a mile away, I still have to admit I found them quite effective. The before and after the video game scenes are a huge improvement over the first movie. While those scenes were easily the weakest part of the first film, they actually carry a surprising emotion poignancy here and speak to all of us who ever have drifted apart from close friends. These new emotional scenes do not mean this movie lacks any of the fun of the first. There is plenty of humor to go around and much of it is very funny. Once again the cast is fantastic and truly shines, making the jokes so much better by their delivery. Kevin Hart as an old man is especially funny. As over the top as they get for the humor they never get too much so that you don't believe them. The villain is a great improvement over the first movie as he is played as a bit more of a satire on video game villains, while also being more  The action scenes are fantastic and incredibly fun as well. They also feature more suspense than the first movie, which only adds to the fun. The world of Jumanji is also more colorful and fun this time around which I loved.

There are only two things that disappointed me about this movie. Jack Black playing Fridge is simply not as funny as him play Bethany and one can't help but feel that was a wasted opportunity. The other is that once we get into the video game world it takes a little bit for the movie to get going and shine again.

While it can be argued which is better this or the first (there are things I like better about both), I had tons of fun watching this movie and if you also liked the first movie chances are you will too.

-Michael J. Ruhland    

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