Thursday, August 29, 2019

Movie Review: Overcomer

Michael's Movie Grade: B

In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's Grace.

A moving and inspiring faith based film that overcomes faults in its storytelling with great messages and a good sincere heart.

This is a movie that always has its heart in the right place. Its messages are very important and as a Christian myself, I admit these can be tough lessons at times. It is too easy to not realize at times that we are not actually putting God first. We like to think we are but too often we put our own troubles in front of our faith. It is often too easy to say we will pray for somebody but not actually do it. It is also to struggle to forgive those who have hurt us. Most of all though this movie is about who we are in Christ. A common question characters ask each other in this movie is "who are you." This is a question all of us Christians should ask ourselves and make sure God has something to do with it. The main characters in this movie are very likable and easy to root for. They are not perfect but they struggle with the same things we do making them easy to root for. This is a movie without any real villain or antagonist. This is a movie where no character is beyond redemption and each one has good inside of them, that their faith helps bring out. This is truly a feel good movie that really makes you feel good. I certainly had a smile on my face after watching it.

One thing that surprised me and really impressed me with this movie was that it was such a visually good looking movie. Much of this is due to cinematographer Bob Scott. The opening shot as we move into the school from the outside is very impressive.

Despite this movie's good heart, it does have its faults. Much of the movie is very predictable and more than a little cliché. The film is mostly a family drama and not much of a sports movie. This is not a problem until the climax, which revolves completely around sports. This makes that climax feel like it wasn't properly built up to. There are also multiple lines that feel more than a little forced. Despite any of these faults this is meant to be a feel good movie and it makes you feel good. That means it did what it set out to do and when a movie does that it can be viewed as a success.

-Michael J. Ruhland


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