Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Movie Review: Parthenope


Michael's Movie Grade: C

A stylish but hollow art film from Italy. 

If you are expecting a movie that is on par with director Paolo Sorrentino's previous films (The Great Beauty (2013), The Hand of God (2021)), you are bound to be disappointed. This is not to say this movie is without its good qualities though. This is a very beautiful looking film and that is not just because actress Celeste Dalla Porta is so incredibly beautiful. The cinematography is absolutely lovely here and the location shooting in Naples and Capri are a wonder to behold. With how beautiful these shots are, it is easy to feel like you have been transported to these amazing places. There is not much of a story to this film as we simply follow a beautiful young woman through a few different years of her life. Luckily our main character is quite likable, and it is pleasant to spend some time with her. She may not be as complex as the script wants us to believe she is, but we do care about her and enjoy her company. The entire cast is great, but Celeste Dalla Porta really shines in the title role. 

The main problem with this film is that it so desperately wants to be insightful and profound but actually says nothing. There is a lot of dialogue here that comes off as very self-important. In fact, though it is simply meandering and meaningless. The writing here comes off as if the filmmakers are unsure of just what they are trying to say. There are a few times this movie leans more than a little into surrealism. Not only is this surrealism completely pointless and adds nothing to the story, but it also feels out of place. These scenes simply feel like they belong in a completely different movie. At 2 hours and 17 minutes, this movie is also much longer than it needs to be and can very much drag at points. 

While it has its good points, this film can't help but feel like a letdown after Paolo Sorrentino's previous work. 

-Michael J. Ruhland

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