Michael's Movie Grade: A-
A very intelligent thriller.
The very premise of this movie, a companion robot (in other words a robot girlfriend) finding out just what she is, is clever. However, what this film does with this premise is even more clever. This is one of the rare modern movies where you don't always know where it is going. There is twist after twist here and many of them took me by surprise. Yet each of these twists makes perfect sense in the context of the story. I do not want to go into great context or analysis of these twist because I don't want to give any of them away. It is best to go into this movie knowing as little about it as you possibly can. Just keep in mind that this is a movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
This movie takes the side and the point of view of the robot girlfriend, even having her narrate the start of the film. Throughout this film she is the one we connect with and the character who seems the most human. That this non-human character is more human than the actual human characters really help drive home how evil and despicable the human characters are. This film takes a look at people who try to convince themselves they are good people and that they deserve the best. While they state this and truly believe this deep down, they only care about themselves. Most filmmakers would try to make this an anti-technology movie but that is far from what this is. It is rather a look at a world where what is real or not can no longer be easily defined. And the same can be said for morality.
What in lesser hands would have been a cheap horror flick instead becomes a highly intelligent and complex look at humanity.
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