Friday, October 28, 2022

Movie Review: Till


Michael's Movie Grade: A-

An incredibly moving film. 

This movie is based off of the true-life story of Emmit Till, a young 14-year-old boy, who in the 1950's visited the south to see family and was brutally murdered by racists. Naturally this is not always an easy film to watch and that is why it should be seen. After the senseless murder of this innocent teenager, it is hard not to feel a wealth of complicated emotions fueled by sadness and anger. The fact that something like this could happen in our country, in a part of our history that is not as long ago as we like to pretend it was, is heartbreaking and scary. What this movie so powerfully does is show us that this is not just historical facts that we may hear or read about, but something that happened to real people who thoughts and feelings just like we have. This makes the message hard to ignore or overlook. Watching this film we have to look at a very dark moment in our history face to face. Though we all know this story, this film tells it in a way that is much more human and personal. The main characters here are presented in a completely three dimensional and real manner and the acting from everyone in the cast is top notch, which draws us into the emotion of the story very deeply. Yet this movie also has an important message of standing up for what is right even when it is incredibly difficult. It teaches us that we need to stand up against any injustice and we can't just say that it doesn't affect us. The character arc of the mother is incredibly powerful and inspiring, even among such great sadness and it is here that this becomes much more than just another tearjerker, but a call to arms against the mistreating of anyone. 

A powerfully sad, but incredibly inspiring film. 

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