Monday, March 23, 2020

Silent Film Stars VS. Public Gossip

Hello my friends and fellow silent film lovers. As many of you know more than anytime after, movie stars of the silent era were larger than life figures to most moviegoers. While movie star scandals are just a fact of life today and something we hardly really think about, back then these scandals were a much bigger deal (with the exception of sexual assault which is an even bigger deal today as it should be), as fans expected these actors to live up to the larger than life figures seen on the screen. That is why movie stars felt they had to protect themselves by avoiding any situation that might bring about any gossip detrimental to their image. The following 1922 article from Film Fun magazine, discuss a set of rules the stars made for themselves for this very reason. If you have any trouble reading the following pages click on them and then use your touch screen to zoom in. 

-Michael J. Ruhland

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