Monday, March 11, 2019

Movie Review: Captain Marvel

Michael's Movie Grade: B

Review: Conventional, but highly entertaining entry in the MCU.

This movie doesn't provide us with anything story wise that we haven't seen before in a Marvel film. Much of the story can be predicted pretty early on and there are occasional lines of dialogue that are so obvious I could have said the line out loud before the characters. Why am I still recommending this movie then and why do I give it a grade as high as a "B?" The answer is simply, I had a lot of fun watching it despite these faults.

 One of the best things about this movie is easily Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson (like I really need to state that)). The character is so likable and so much more human than I have ever seen him in a MCU film. This movie takes place before he became the character we saw in previous films, and honestly I like this younger and more fun take on him. I love that as tough of a guy as he can be, he still can become like a child speaking baby talk around Goose the cat and that he opens up to Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) in a way we haven't seen him do with any of the Avengers. Who had previously been a mysterious figure in the MCU becomes someone much more real and down to earth in this movie and I like that. Captain Marvel, herself is quite a good character. Despite being one of the most powerful characters in the MCU, she is also very human. She has her faults and those faults can make her doubt herself and question who she really is. This is all done in a very relatable and understandable way.

This movie also tells its story in a fast paced and fun manner. There is a lot of humor throughout and much of it is quite funny. The action scenes are also extremely well handled. It seems to me there are too many action movies today, where the action scenes simply feel like they drag on forever. They start out exciting, but persist on couniting after that excitement is gone. That is luckily not the case here. The action scenes are perfectly timed. They never overstay their welcome but never feel rushed either.

Is this one of the best MCU movies? No. But it is a lot of fun and who can argue with that?

-Michael J. Ruhland  

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