Review Written By Michael J. Ruhland
Michael's Movie Grade: B
Review: Not everything in this movie may work, but what does work is very moving and emotional.
Maybe it is because this film was made first and foremost as Christian movie that were this movie really shines is its Christian message. While few of us can truly understand what the real man went through and the pain this caused, the movie does an amazing job of showing us that it was much to overwhelming for any man to overcome on his own. The nightmare sequences are very intense and Harold Cronk's (God's Not Dead 1 &2, God Bless the Broken Road) direction of these scenes is very good. Watching this film, you understand that the character needed help from a higher power to just continue going on. His struggle with faith is played very well here and is definitely enhanced by a great human performance by Samuel Hunt. This movie conveys the message of God being able to help anybody no matter how much they hurt is powerful. However I will admit there was one thing I would have liked to have seen more of in this department. This was his visit to Japan, to meet with those who had hurt him so much. I would have liked to see him come to terms with the fact that he must forgive them and how and what he would say to them. I admit that is critiquing the movie for what it isn't instead of what it is, but I would have liked to see its take on this subject that is even difficult for many strong Christians. Still the message it has is done very well.
Where this movie falters is the romance and sadly this is a large part of the movie. Cynthia, while well played by Merritt Patterson is not the most interesting part of this movie. The way she is portrayed here bears little difference from so many similar characters we have seen. Also these romance scenes can feel rushed and like they are just going through the motions. Still what was good about this movie was more than good enough to overcome what was bad.
-Michael J. Ruhland
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