Review Written By Michael J. Ruhland
Michael's Movie Grade: B
Review: A delightful mixture of comedy and horror.
What makes this movie work so well is that the comedy and horror blend so well. Neither overpowers or takes the spotlight away from the other. Instead they both complement each other perfectly. Both are completely part of the story and characters and feel like they grow naturally out of them, instead of being inserted in for their own sake. The horror gives a dark edge to the comedy, while the comedy helps move the story along without us feeling like we are waiting for the next scary thing to happen. On top of this both are quite well done. There may be jokes that don't land in this film, but the ones that do are quite funny. This is a family movie so naturally the horror isn't as horrifying as it is in so many strictly adult aimed horror films, but it is still effective. Some of the images seen here are legitimately creepy and cause a definite sense of unease. Even though this is a family movie, I have no doubt some kids will have bad dreams after watching it. This creepiness will make much of the audience uncomfortable and this uncomfortableness adds extra depth to the sense of atmosphere in this film. The director Eli Roth has worked on some extremely violent R rated movies in the past but he shows here he can still , creating something as effectively dark within a PG rating. Also great here is the cast. As always there is just something so likable about Jack Black in his role, that gives the movie great charm and adds to its humor. Cate Blanchett proves just as effective as a powerful but emotionally hurt witch. Young Owen Vaccaro is definitely good enough to hold his own with these two seasoned pros.
Sadly many of the scenes that take place at school feel like we have seen them before and done much better (though two basketball scenes are very funny). These scenes feel like they are going through the motions making them feel disappointing compared to the rest of the movie.
All in all this a delightful movie and good Halloween fun.
-Michael J. Ruhland
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