Friday, September 7, 2018

Movie Review: Operation Finale

Review Written By Michael J. Ruhland

Michael's Movie Grade: A-

Review: Sometimes even as a movie reviewer I don't understand why some movies get such negative reviews from critics. This is one of those movies. Despite what many critics said, I found this movie completely engrossing, and fascinating to watch.

In this day and age of fast paced action filled thrillers, a film like this can't help but stand out as something quite different. Rather than action this movie leans more on dialogue. Actually many scenes in this movie just involve two people talking. This could be deadly if the dialogue wasn't so good. However the dialogue is fantastic. Helping out is how truly great the performances are. Ben Kingsley is incredible as Adolf Eichmann. In fact the whole depiction of Eichmann here is fantastic. He is so calm and mild mannered and knows just how to play each person just the way he wants to. He is truly frightening in just how calm he is when talking about all the horrible atrocities he made possible. He is also scary in how well he can lie and how many of us would believe those lies if we were the characters in this movie. Ben Kingsley performs all of this perfectly. There are quite a few character arcs going on here, but they are very well treated. Each is given the time they are needed and we get to feel we know each of the characters. While Kingsley is the stand out performance, every member in the cast does a great job. Though to be honest a big part of the reason for this is the way the movie is written. Each performance is still filled with honest and sincerity and we completely believe these characters on screen. Despite this being a very dialogue heavy movie the few action scenes it has are truly exciting and put me on the edge of my seat. All around this is just a great movie.

-Michael J. Ruhland  

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