Monday, August 6, 2018

Movie Review: Along With the Gods: The Last 49 Days

Review Written By Michael J. Ruhland

Michael's Movie Grade: A-

Review: So here it is the highest grossing movie at the Korean Boxoffice. Let me say I see perfectly why this movie has so much appeal over there. This a fantastic movie that manages to be smart, imaginative and action packed.  

This movie is clearly inspired in some ways by Hollywood blockbusters. There is even a scene in which a character asks another if he has ever seen Jurassic Park before they are chased by CGI dinosaurs. Still despite this there are many strong differences between this and your average Hollywood blockbuster. For one the pace is much slower, and even with the special effects heavy action scenes, this movie is mainly as a character study. In this it succeeds amazingly. The characters are far from how two dimensional they seem at first. As the film unfolds we learn more and more about these characters. As we learn more about them it changes the way we look not only at them but the film as a whole. Each plot twist comes directly from what we learn about the characters and it seems to flow naturally out of who they are. You didn't see them coming, but they still made perfect sense. This kept me glued to the screen wondering what was going to happen next. All this is perfectly enhanced by the fantastic performances from the actors. Each one obviously puts their whole soul into these characters and that can easily be felt. Also because we care so much about the characters when the action scenes do happen, they are much more exciting.

I know this is a brief review, but I want to keep it that way. I went into this movie knowing little about it and fell in love. I am hoping some of you reading this will have the same reaction I did.

-Michael J. Ruhland    

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