Review Written By Michael J. Ruhland
Michael's Movie Grade: F
Review: I know I am swimming far against the tide when it comes to this movie, but I just found it really boring. I will admit, this is not fully my type of movie, as I can easily get bored by action scenes, but even still the appeal of this film escapes me.
Ethan Hunt has to be one of the most boring characters in the history of action movies. He seems to be completely devoid of anything resembling personality. He is given some backstory (though even that is boring), but this does not a personality make. None of the other characters work on this level either. I can see the actors are given it their all, but because the characters are so bland it doesn't make a difference. This movie is in many ways one long action scene. People who read my reviews know that this is going to be a problem for me. To me action scenes are fun when the start off, but the longer they go on the less I care. With this over two hours of nothing but action holds little interest for me at all. I just found myself completely bored by everything happening on screen and couldn't wait for the movie to end.
I know I am slamming a very popular movie here, but keep in mind this is about as far from my type of movie as you can get. Truth is I can turn my mind off and enjoy a dumb comedy very easily, but the same does not work for a mindless action movie for me. So if you are like me, and prefer your action movies with interesting characters and a good story line, as well as liking your action scenes on the shorter side, then just completely avoid this movie. Again this movie seems to be one everybody else is enjoy so this review is probably just me. I guess all film fans have popular movies, that we just don't like, but are glad everybody else can enjoy. This is that movie for me, I was bored out of my mind watching this, but I am happy others had fun.
-Michael J. Ruhland
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