Monday, April 22, 2024

Movie Review: Spy x Family Code White


Michael's Movie Grade: B

The first feature film based off the popular anime is a fun time at the movies. 

What I really appreciated about this film was that for a movie based off a TV show, it introduced the characters and premise in just the right way. It lets us know who these characters are very efficiently and quickly. Because of this it neither confuses newcomers nor bores those who watch the show. I have seen too many movies based on TV shows that did one of those two things. Because of this, the movie felt like a breath of fresh air in this department. What also made this movie work so much is that the characters are great. I simply truly enjoyed spending time with these characters. This worked especially well since the first part of the film has a smaller scale almost slice of life feel to it, before the movie goes into full action territory. By the time this film becomes a full action flick, we really do care about the characters and what happens to them. Speaking of the action scenes they are simply wonderful here. They are very exciting, well staged, well animated and a lot of fun. The humor of this film is often juvenile and immature. However, I would be lying if I said it didn't make me laugh. Not all of the comedy works. For instance, the whole gag about the "poop god" went on longer than it needed too, making it get less and less funny as it went on. However, I will definitely saw more jokes hit than those that failed. It also does a quite good job at balancing the action, humor and sentimentality throughout. 

This film does have its flaws. The whole romantic misunderstanding goes on for much too long and doesn't add much to the movie. Many parts of the story are also incredibly predictable and sometimes you just wait for the inevitable to happen. 

This may not be perfect, but it makes for a very fun trip to the movies and that is just what you want from a film like this.  

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