Monday, April 1, 2024

Movie Review: Cabrini


Michael's Movie Grade: B

A well-made biopic. 

This film tells the true story of Francesca Cabrini, an Italian nun, who heads to New York to help out improvised Italian Americans, who simply because of racism are forced to barely survive in a run-down area not fit for a human being. This is an incredible true-life story told with real sincerity and heart that we can feel in every scene. The movie does a great job of making us understand, just why what this woman did was so extraordinary and so important. While this is an inspirational movie, it has no problem facing the harsh realities of life head on. Some of these scenes can be hard to look at, but that just makes the rest of the film all the more powerful. The whole movie does a wonderful job of mixing harsh reality with a real sense of hope. The movie makes us see things through our protagonist's eyes and understand just what drives her. Because of this we not only are in awe of this real-life hero but also see how no matter how hopeless things seem it is always possible to make a change in this world. A great performance by Cristiana Dell’Anna and an effectively atmospheric late19th century look and feel, don't hurt either. 

Unfortunately, this film does suffer from some corny dialogue (the last line is almost unbearably corny), overlength and too many underdeveloped subplots.  None of this can take away from how powerful the story is. 

Though not without its flaws, this is a movie that will almost certainly emotionally move you.  

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