Monday, November 6, 2023

Movie Review: Radical


Michael's Movie Grade: A-

A wonderful comedy-drama from Mexico.

If you were to simply read a description of this film's story (an unorthodox teacher helps kids, who everyone else has given up on, see their true potential), it might just sound like another typical feel-good movie. In many ways it kind of is. The film follows all the conventions of such movies. However, I have rarely seen this type of story told better than it is here. This movie truly pulls on the heartstrings and knows just how to make you smile and make you cry. Every emotional beat hits perfectly here and even the most familiar scenes can be very emotionally powerful. Much of this is due to the characters. Our main character is very likable and easy to both relate to and respect. While we definitely do look up to and admire him, the film also shows him as very human. When things get tough, he does have moments where he doubts whether or not he is doing the right thing and whether or not he can actually change these kids' lives. At the same time what he does for these kids is incredibly touching. I also appreciated that this movie never made his teaching methods too over the top. They may have been unorthodox, but they make sense. Many films would have played up his eccentrics for humor. However, that would have hurt the drama and made this movie seem unreal. The result here is the exact opposite. Yet he is not the only character he captivates us. We spend a good amount of time with three of his students. During this time, we get to know these kids just as well as we do with the teacher. Each of these kids has their own character arc that is completely believable and often quite emotional. Also, when focusing on these kids living in poverty, the film never sanitizes the position they are in. Instead, it takes an honest look at how these kids have incredible hurdles to overcome to make it in this world. It also has some scenes of real tragedy that are simply heartbreaking. Beneath this the film does offer us a sense of hope. Even in the worst circumstances, there can still be hope. This movie also takes an intelligent look at just what it means to have hope in such situations. All this leads not only to some very smart moments, but also some of the film's most emotional. The movie also benefits from a really good sense of humor that often made me laugh out loud.    

A wonderful movie. 

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