Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Movie Review: Montana Story


Michael's Movie Grade: A-

A superb tearjerker. 

Thid is an incredibly moving and powerful movie. Yet the greatest emotional moments came from the smallest most understated moments. Like many great dramatic movies are realizing more and more these days, the greatest drama comes from the smallest things. In this movie our main character is dealing with a lot of things upon her return to Montana her abusive father is dying, her childhood horse is going to be put down and her relationship with her brother is very strained after she left. All of these stories are handled very maturely and intelligently and all of them are given just as much time and weight as they need. None of them feel rushed or are overpowered by the others. This movie is also not afraid to delve into the deeper themes each of these brings up and it does so in a way that will truly stay with you long after the film is over. Yet despite this the film never becomes a depressing dirge or a chore to sit through. There is a certain sweetness and hope hidden under all these dark themes, that one may not always be able to articulate but they can always feel. This is especially true in the sister and brother relationship, where even though their relationship has seemed better times, you can tell deep down these two still love and care for each other. This is helped by some truly great performances by Haley Lu Richardson and Owen Teague, who make these characters feel extremely real and who work great together. There are also some good comedic moments and while they are far from plentiful when they appear they are welcome and delightful. I feel like a sad movie can't simply be just a story that piles one depressing thing upon another, but luckily this movie doesn't do that and understands the need to balnce out some of the sadness with a certain amount of tenderness. This is also simply a breathtaking film to look at. Though this is not what one would typically call a western, this movie perfectly captures what is so beautiful and majestic about the American west. The movie also knows when to take its time. It is not a fast moving film, but it uses this to its advantage, creating an atmosphere and feel that could never be captured in a fast moving movie. 

I will also say as a country music fan any movie that has Emmylou Harris and Willie Nelson on the soundtrack has a very good chance of winning my heart. 

This is simply a must see. 

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