Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Movie Review: Red Dot


Note: This film can be watched on Netflix.

Michael's Movie Grade: F

A very disappointing Swedish thriller.

This film has a very intriguing premise. A couple goes on vacation and find themselves being hunted by unknown killers. This plot has the makings of a top notch thriller. Unfortunately the execution is horrible. One of the biggest problems is that there is not one likable character in the entire movie and yet the filmmaker obviously want you to sympathize with these characters. This is simply impossible when they consistently do horrible things and yet are seemingly undamaged by guilt. The only personality traits the two "protagonists" have outside of being horrible people is that they are walking clichés of the type we have seen in many bad sitcoms. I got tired of their poorly written and annoying bickering before the real storyline even started. Because of this I had no emotional connection to anything happening on screen and simply found myself bored. The only thing worse than the characters are the plot twists. The execution of the biggest plot twist was so bad it has to be seen to be believed. It comes completely out of nowhere with nothing even slightly hinting at it. There is not even the slightest bit of a setup to this and I am sure it will leave many people wondering if maybe they missed something. The truth is sadly they missed nothing. This is simply bad storytelling. The film is also hampered down by a lot of completely forced and awkward dialogue and a heavy-handed attempt at social commentary. 

If you want to watch a good thriller, skip this movie at all costs. 

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