Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Movie Review: The Misadventures of Hedi and Cokeman (En Passant Pécho: Les Carottes Sont Cuites)


Note: This movie is available on Netflix

Michael's Movie Grade: F

Terribly unfunny French comedy. 

Making a comedy as over the top as this is always a dangerous undertaking, because if it doesn't work then the film becomes hard to watch and that is what happened with this movie. The film is filled with over the top jokes and once they start they never let up. The problem with this is not one of them even causes a smile. This is one of those movies that thinks that the more vulgar and more over the top comedy is the funnier it is. While vulgar and over the top humor can be funny, it is not automatically so. Good comedy of this type needs to be just as well thought out and executed as any other type of humor. Unfortunately this movie does not seem to take that into account and the film is instead rather irritating. Adding to the problems of this movie is the characters. The characters are just as over the top as the comedy and are just as irritating. There is not one thing that is even slightly likable about these characters and there is not one thing that is believable about them. While not every movie character needs to be likable or believable, if they aren't they need to at least be fun to watch. Unfortunately these characters are just as annoying and I spent much of the film simply wishing they would shut up.

Avoid this film at all costs. 

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