Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Movie Review: Serenity

Movie's Movie Grade: F

Review: What the heck did I just watch? I never thought I would start a review like that but what the heck did I just watch? This movie is a bizarre. confused, unpleasant and unbelievable mess.

There is no better word to describe this movie than unpleasant. This may seem like a good thing for a thriller and it can be when done right. However nothing is done right here. This movie lacks the depth and complexity it so obviously looks for as well as any feeling of real suspense. All that is left after this is unpleasantness. Between the disgusting dialogue from the father in law, the unlikableness of the characters and sex scenes that are more uncomfortable than sexy this movie can get hard to watch. Not helping is that when the film is not unpleasant it is down right boring. Now I like slow paced movies because often the slow pace can enhance our connection with the characters or environment. This is not the case here. The characters are so unlikable and uninteresting that I could not care about them and the environment is downright dull. Often slow paced movies can feel like you are spending time with the characters, but in this case I don't want to spend time with the characters. The movie just drags along like this for most of its length causing no audience connection besides boredom and disgust. This is until the plot twist comes up.

When the plot twist comes up the film is no longer dull (though it is still unpleasant), but now instead of being boringly bad, the film is instead so bad it caused much unintentional laughter on my part. I could not believe what I was hearing or seeing when I got to this part of the movie. I did not see this twist coming at all. However that is not because the twist is good. It is instead because the twist is so bizarre, out of nowhere and terrible that there would have no reason to expect this. I will admit it is daring but daring does not always mean good. This was a risk that honestly would have been better not taken (or at least handled better than it was here). Some of what we saw before actually no longer makes sense or brings even more unpleasant thoughts to my head. This movie treats this plot twist like it is something incredibly thought provoking and clever. However it simply isn't, but instead just feels weird, unpleasant and unintentionally funny. Still I can't help but wish the rest of the movie was like the film became after this plot twist. Sure it is horrible, but it is a special kind of horrible that provides some entertainment value in how bad it is. Unfortunately the majority of the movie is just alternating between dull and unpleasant, and the enjoyably bad part lasts for a short time.

The only reason to watch this movie is to laugh at how crazily bad it gets towards the end. Still if you are one of those who enjoys laughing at crazily bad movies, you still have to sit through the rest of this movie to get there and that can be a really big chore. So I would recommend skipping this anyways.

-Michael J. Ruhland

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