Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Movie Review: Robin Hood

Review Written By Michael J. Ruhland

Michael's Movie Grade: F

Review: Easily the weakest of all Robin Hood movies.

As this movie starts it is plain to see (especially since the narration directly states this) that this is not going to follow the typical Robin Hood story. This not a bad thing at all. After all the 1938 version will forever remain the best Robin Hood movie and one does not want to invite comparison. However this movie does not reimagine the Robin Hood story in a way that makes us look at the story differently than we ever did before. Instead this film turns the story of Robin Hood into an extremely dull and uninspired action movie. There is little if anything in this movie to actually recommend. All the characters are as boring and bland as can be. There is nothing remotely interesting about them and by the end we don't feel like we know them at all. This is especially bad in a movie like this that is full of action scenes. I never once cared what the outcome of the action scenes would be, which took out all the excitement I could have had. The action scenes themselves are as full of explosions as the filmmakers could manage to put in. Lost in these explosions however is any actual excitement or suspense. Without this there is no reason to care and with the wealth of action scenes, it was not long until these explosions completely lost their luster and after this the movie had nothing else to offer at all. This movie is even full of little faults as well. These include unintentionally hilarious narration, distracting uses of modern music and forced dialogue.  

With this in mind I sadly say, skip this movie at all costs.

-Michael J. Ruhland      

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