Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Movie Review: A Wrinkle in Time

Review Written By Michael J. Ruhland

Michael's Movie Grade: C

Review: This is an enjoyable movie, but I still left feeling it could have been much better.

The best thing about this movie is the character of Meg. She is very likable and relatable. I could fully sympathize and understand what she was going through. She was the glue that held this fantasy to reality. This is helped heavily by an excellent performance by Storm Reid, who fully pulls you into the emotions of the character. Her little brother and friend are also likable character, if not as fully developed as Meg. This movie is also a very good looking film. The visuals look great and help tell the story fine.

This movie is however pulled down by two huge faults. The first of these is a lack of involvement with the fantasy environment. These environments feel like so many others seen in various fantasy movies. Beyond this we never spend enough time in one place for that place to feel real to us. Most great fantasy movies spend a decent amount of time in each environment, so that we get to feel we know the places. Here we are never given time to delve ourselves into the environment as we are soon rushed to the next one. The other major problem with this movie is the characters of the Mrs. W's. Mrs. Whatsit is a very annoying character. Her humor is never funny and I spent much of the film wanting her to shut up. Mrs. Which and Mrs. Who are both extremely boring. When the movie reached its end I still could not tell you what their personalities were. They simply felt like nothing more than plot convince.

To me it is easy to see why those who liked this movie did, and why those who hated it felt that way. The emotional anchor with the main character is strong and effective, but the fantasy elements can be a bit of a mess at time.

-Michael J. Ruhland

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