Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Movie Review: I Can Only Imagine

Review Written By Michael J. Ruhland

Michael's Movie Grade: A-

Review: Powerful and inspiring film that does justice to the great worship song that inspired it.

What really makes this movie so effective is how much respect this movie gives to its subject. There is never a moment when this film feels like it is talking down to its audience. The drama is real and believable. You never feel you are watching a dramatization but rather like you are seeing the real person on screen. I am familiar with the band Mercy Me, and I have even seen them in concert. However I was not very familiar with this story. With this in mind I was completely drawn into this story, and found myself becoming extremely emotionally involved with what I was seeing. Much of this is due to J. Michael Finley's incredible performance. He performance is so human, that it is hard not to get involved in the humanity of the movie. On top of this his singing voice is incredible. John Erwin, Brent McCorkle and Alex Crammer's human and very involving script adds to the powerfulness of this movie.

Being a Christian naturally didn't hurt how much I enjoyed this film, but I don't think that you need to be a believer to be pulled into the powerful filmmaking here.

-Michael J. Ruhland


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