Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Movie Review: Midnight Sun

Review Written By Michael J. Ruhland

Michael's Movie Grade: F

Review: This is as bad as it gets folks. Even with the terrible tearjerker teenage romance movies out there, this is the bottom of the barrel.

The main problem with this film is that it is a romantic movie and the romance is never believable. The two main characters are bland and boring movie stereotypes. we have seen them in too many movies before and they are less interesting here. There is also the fact that the characters have no chemistry together. The side characters are equally completely boring. This is not helped by the hopelessly forced dialogue they are given. Despite the characters saying they were meant for each other, I was never fully convinced of this. The main character having xeroderma pigmentosum is about the only thing that makes this movie different from any other movie of this same type. Some critics have attacked this film as being offensive to those with this disease by not portraying it accurately, and using it for an obviously emotional manipulative story. The disease does feel like it is being used simply for reasons of creating tear-jerking moments. Regardless of your feelings about this controversy, dramatically this is not enough to make this movie feel like anything new or different. It feels like the same tearjerker movie we have seen a million times before, only much blander. The ending is even worse than the rest of this horrible movie. Without giving anything away there is nothing romantic about this. Instead it feels like a character being completely selfish and thinking about nobody other than him or herself. The ending is so bad, it is tough to even sit through. Still there is nothing good I can say about the rest of this movie, as this is pure bottom of the barrel bad. Simply put, avoid this movie.

-Michael J. Ruhland

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