Michael's Movie Grade: F
A complete waste of time.
This dark fantasy is so focused on its visual style that it forgets to add any real emotional involvement. The characters are so incredibly bland that it is hard to care about any of them. Milla Jovovich and Dave Bautista try their best playing these characters, but they are simply given too little to work with. The villains somehow even manage to be blander than our heroes, which is saying something. The world building here is even worse. We never understand how this world works and there are many questions about this that are never answered. More than this though, this whole world feels like a messy and lazy amalgamation of the settings of many other movies. Even the look of this world is heavily "borrowed" from the Mad Max films. Even the action scenes here are bland and not very entertaining because there is little suspense or excitement due to none of the characters being likable. The last act is full of twists. It is a common complaint that the twists in modern movies are predictable. However, the twists here are worse than simply predictable. When they happen, I simply didn't care enough to have any reaction. I was so completely uninvested in what I was watching that I truly didn't care what happened anymore.
The only good thing, I can say about this film is that the CGI is shockingly good, and the monster designs are genuinely creepy.
You are better off watching any of the movies that this film rips off than watching this incoherent mess.
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