Friday, January 24, 2025

Movie Review: Brave the Dark


Michael's Movie Grade: B

A well-made, if familiar teen drama. 

There is little to nothing about this movie that anyone watching will not have seen before. The story about a troubled teen, who finds himself getting in trouble with the law but is helped by a teacher who believes in him will be familiar to any movie goer. Yet sometimes a familiar story that is well told is just what we want when we go to the movies. That is exactly what this film is. Though we have seen everything here before many of the emotional moments work perfectly. This is especially true of the last act, which will pull on anyone's heartstrings. In these scenes the filmmakers are not afraid to have some dark moments. The dark moments, however, are just what make the more joyful and uplifting moments work as well as they do. These uplifting moments feel all the more uplifting because they feel truly earned. The movie also works because we care about the two main characters. While flawed, they are easy to relate to and care about. We see ourselves in both the worst and best of these characters. Not only are these characters likable on their own but the relationship between the two feels completely real to us. Both the moments where they are getting along and where they are arguing feel equally real. And even in the scenes where they are arguing we can see underneath it that they care about each other. 

As good as the two main characters are though, all the supporting characters are bland and underdeveloped. This is especially true of the main teenager's best friend and his love interest, both of whom have very little personality outside of what is needed to move the plot forward. 

Even if there is little you haven't seen before, the story is well told, and the emotional moments work quite well.   

-Michael J. Ruhland

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