Monday, February 19, 2024

Movie Review: Ordinary Angels


Michael' Movie Grade: B+

An excellent feel-good movie. 

This film tells the story of a father going far into debt just trying to help his 5 year old daughter who badly needs a liver transplant. It also tells of a woman who decides to dedicate most of her time to helping this young girl survive, while fighting her own personal demons. 

In many ways this movie is quite familiar and corny. However, the film is presented so earnestly that it works very well. This is the type of movie that will even charm the most cynical movie goers and make them believe that there truly is goodness in this world. There is no doubt that the filmmakers truly believe in this goodness and that is felt in every second. The climax is a perfect example of the pure sincerity behind this movie's message. The film also benefits from truly likable characters. This is especially true of our two leads. They are incredibly likable and relatable, while still being very flawed. The film does a wonderful job of making us see ourselves in these characters. We see ourselves in both their virtues and their flaws. This gives us an emotional connection that makes the emotional scenes work incredibly well. These characters are also helped by truly wonderful performances by Hillary Swank and Alan Ritchson. Those who are familiar with the other movies from Kingdom Story Company, will know that there will be a Christian message here. The Christian message could not be better done. It comes naturally out of the story and characters and the film never feels like a sermon. Actually, the message instead enhances both of these as we delve into how tragedies can cause one to lose their faith. The father trying to deal with how to hold onto his faith when everything seems hopeless is something that will connect with both those who believe in God and those who don't. 

This movie does have its flaws though. Many of the scenes can feel too familiar and there can never be much suspense when we all know how the story will end. There are also some scenes involving the kids that try too hard to be cute and come off as cloying. While there is a lot of good dialogue here, there are also parts where the dialogue can be a little clumsy. None of these flaws though stop this movie from being quite emotional.

This is a heartwarming movie that will truly warm your heart.  

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