Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Movie Review: The Monk and the Gun


Michael's Movie Grade: A+

An absolutely brilliant film from Bhutan. 

This movie takes place in 2006 and looks at Bhutan's transition to democracy. The film's look at this transition is anything but simplistic. The film instead takes a nuanced and complex look at a country transitioning to a completely new form of government. This was not the only major change going on in the country at the time, as TV and the internet had also just came to the country, connecting them to the outside world in a way they never had been before. This movie follows various characters and their different reactions to the major changes in their country. Some are excited to see their country join the rest of the world, some are worried about the changes, some are confused by all this, some don't care about the change and some feel that democracy is causing a lot of division in their previously happy lives. The film does not preach to us or tell us what to think. Instead, it simply presents this major shift in all its complexities. This creates something much more complex and thought provoking than the simple piece of propaganda this could have been. This is truly a film that will cause you to leave the theater with a lot of food for thought. 

Yet as well as being incredibly intelligent and thought provoking this film also makes for great entertainment. While this is not a comedy, there is some very clever and funny satire throughout this movie. There were some great comedic moments that made me (and others in the theater with me laugh out loud). The movie also benefits from some great characters, that we can easily relate to and care about. This movie is also beautifully shot. There are many scenes here that are simply gorgeous to look at, which includes many images that will stay in your mind long after you leave the theater. 

This is simply an incredible film that any true movie fan needs to see.  

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