Friday, July 14, 2023

Movie Review: Psycho-Pass Providence


Michael's Movie Grade: A-

A very mature and intelligent animated Japanese movie.

Based on the anime TV show, this film manages to be both very intelligent and action packed. This is something hard to pull off and something that many movies try but fail at (look at The Matrix sequels for instance). However this movie manages to do this just right. Despite all the big action set pieces, this is a movie that is not afraid to make you think. In fact it demands you to think if you want to enjoy it. The world this movie takes place in, is filled with many thought-provoking ideas. Few of them are in any way simple. This film takes a look at some of the most complex topics out there. These include war, how big of a price peace is worth, if the end can always justify the means, free will and if there is ever a clear right and wrong. To discuss these topics, the movie even examines the roles politics and religion play in them. To all of this the film offers no easy answers but instead makes us take a long and deep look at these topics. Yet all of this does not for a second take away from the action. This is an action-packed film and the action rarely if ever lets up. This keeps the movie moving at a fast pace and never once does it get boring. These action scenes are incredibly well executed and keep one easily on the edge of their seats. Yet the action scenes do not ever get in the way of the thought-provoking topics either. This movie also has a large cast of characters, yet pretty much each one is incredibly well defined and easy to understand and relate to. This adds a lot to both the emotional core of the story and the excitement of the action scenes.

This is simply a wonderful film and everyone who views animation as a true art form and not just children's entertainment needs to watch it.  

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