Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Movie Review: Jug Jugg Jeeyo


Michael' Movie Grade: C

An okay romantic drama from India.

Where this film best works is as a look at divorce and what can lead to it. Despite much of the over-the-top comedy, this subject is treated in a mature and realistic way. While this movie favors characters staying together over getting divorced, it does not paint anything as having easy or simple solutions. The characters wanting a divorce is treated in a way that is easy to relate to and in a way where you can obviously see why that sounds right to them at the time. This is especially shown in a quite touching and effective scene late in the film between a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. I like that this movie also explores how these situations effect those who are also around. This is shown very well through the main character's little sister (a very likable person and my favorite character), whose thoughts and decisions about her upcoming marriage are based on the marriages of her parents and her brother, both of which she doesn't know are going through hard times. There are actually quite a few touching scenes here that work quite well. The movie also never rushes these issues and gives them time to play out. This movie like many Bollywood films is also a very good-looking movie. This is especially true during the musical number scenes, which are simply wonderful to look at.   

Unfortunately there is a lot of comedy in this movie and most of it falls flat. I may have had one or two laughs watching this, but the rest simply didn't work. Much of this humor was truly terrible and really hurt the film. There are also moments that are meant to be funny, but instead just feel mean spirited and make the characters a bit unlikable. This movie is also full of dialogue that is too on nose and obvious. There are also times when the film can really drag. 

This is not a great movie by any means, but there is enough that worked that I am glad I saw it.   

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