Monday, September 30, 2024

Movie Review: Lee


Michael's Movie Grade: B

A well-made and engaging biopic.

This movie tells the story of World War 2 photographer and war correspondent Lee Miller. What makes this film work so well is its depiction of Lee herself. This film takes a complex look at this figure. While the movie takes an admiring and sympathetic look at her, it also does not overlook her rough edges. Her flaws are on full display here but at the same time it celebrates and cherishes both who she was as a person and the importance of the work she did. This works especially well due to Kate Winslet's lead performance. This film shows the great actress at her absolute best. She completely disappears into this role, and we believe we are looking at the real Lee Miller, almost as if this is some fly-on-the-wall documentary. This performance also helps us understand why she is so driven and the fact that she needs to be there. We almost feel like we would have had to do the same thing. This film also does a great job at showing how terrifyingly horrible what Hitler and the Nazis did truly was. Despite the film's R-Rating (which is more for langue and nudity) it keeps much of the greatest horrors off screen. Having to use our imaginations implies something much more horrifying than what can be shown on a movie screen (something that is definitely true about these real-life horrors). This in fact makes this film seem all the more powerful and disturbing during these scenes.    

Unfortunately, the interview framing device here feels forced and out of place. It not only feels too corny and hokey for such a serious movie, but it also adds little to the story. If it was left out, nothing would have felt like it was missing. The twist ending to this framing device also felt contrived and never hit the emotional mark that the filmmakers so desperately wanted. Also, like almost all biopics there are scenes that felt very familiar. However, this is something that is just expected anymore. It is something we see in even the best modern biopics. 

Despite some flaws this is a very engaging and well-made biopic boosted by a great lead performance. 

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