Thursday, March 14, 2024

Movie Review: Arthur the King


Michael's Movie Grade: B

A well-made feel-good movie. 

What makes this movie work so well is that its heart is always in the right place. The filmmakers care about this dog, just as much as the human characters grow to. The film doesn't just show us a cute dog and let the entire drama revolve around how cute he is. Instead, we get to actually know who the dog is and why these characters care about him. This alone puts this above many other dog movies, which think all they need to do is show us a cute dog. Through the film we also get to truly care about the main human character. Like the film itself, he is flawed but his heart is always in the right place. He truly grows as a character over the course of the movie, and this is done in a completely believable and heartfelt way. Not only this but the bond between the two characters feels real and fully realized. Of course, this is the most important element for a film like this. Because of this, we truly care about such things as whether the team wins the race or whether the dog will make it.  

Unfortunately the supporting characters here are all very boring and one note. This movie also has plenty of dialogue that feels forced and awkward as well as comedy moments that fall flat. 

This may not be a new classic, but it does just what someone will want out of such a movie and does it well. 

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