Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Movie Review: Little Richard: I Am Everything


Michael's Movie Grade: A-

A wonderful documentary on rock and roll icon, Little Richard. 

What I try to bring to reviewing any music documentary is to ask myself if I hadn't heard of the musician or band going into the movie, would I leave the theatre a fan of their music. While I have long loved the music of Little Richard, if that wasn't the case I would still have left this movie a fan. The most obvious reason for this is hearing the music itself. The songs featured in this film are truly fantastic. While one may argue that they are obvious song choices, they are still a joy to listen to. There is a reason these songs were such major hits and I definitely enjoyed listening to them here. The clips of him performing these songs live are also wonderful and you can easily see what a great live performer he was. This movie also does a great job of putting Little Richard's music into context of both the time period and Richard's career as a whole. This gives those who may take much of his great music for granted, a greater understanding of the importance of what he did and how revolutionary it was. While his music still remains good listening today, this adds a whole new level to one's appreciation of it.

Also while this movie may be in many ways an overview of the artist's career, it is also a wonderful look at just who the man was. Little Richard was a complicated man and one who was seemingly full of contradictions. He was a Christian, who spent much of his time spreading the word of God, but he also was a party animal who took part in wild orgies. He took what many people said about him in stride as if he didn't care what anyone said about him, but he also was very upset at not receiving the public recognition he deserved. This movie addresses these contradictions head on. As you watch this film you begin to understand more and more why he was the way he was. This look into who Little Richard was is made much more authentic due to the use of many interviews Little Richard did at many parts in his career. Because of this we often get to hear who Little Richard was from the mouth of Little Richard himself. There are even some very clever scenes where we see back to back ways that he contradicted himself in various interviews. This works especially well because there place in the movie helps us understand just why he gave contradictory answers. This creates a more complex and more fascinating look at the man himself. 

This is simply put a wonderful documentary that I recomend equally to long time fans and new comers. 

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