Thursday, July 16, 2020

Summer Concert Series: Chasing Trane (2016)

Excellent documentary on Jazz legend John Coltrane.

This movie being only a little over an hour and a half, obviously does not give a full view of the many facets of John's incredible career, yet it does remarkably well with the time it spends on its subject. We get a brief basic overview of his career as well as incredible critical insight of his music by critics, musicians, biographers and more. They all explain what John's music means to them. After listening to them talk we can hear clips of Coltrane's music and we listen to it in a way we never could before. No one is ever going to completely change our musical tastes, but as music (especially jazz) can be heard and interrupted completely different by different people, others can help us see what they hear or feel when they listen to a piece of music and that can completely change the way we hear it. That is what this movie does best and why it is such a great music documentary despite giving us a very simplified historical overview of its subject.

This film will help fans get something new out of Coltrane's music, while striking newcomers interest at the same time.

-Michael J. Ruhland

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