Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Movie Review: Breakthrough

Michael's Movie Grade: A-

Review: Fantastic Christian drama that is powerful in both its message and execution.

 Many movies based on a true story suffer because the characters unlike the people they are based on don't feel real. Luckily this is one of this film's strongest points. There is not a false note in any of these characters. The parents while good Christians are not perfect. The mom is trying to take full control over everything in a situation that is completely in God's hands. The father has a hard time being there with his wife and son because the situation is too painful. These are both things we can fully relate to, and if we were honest with our selves many would at least be tempted to act the same way. They need to work on their faith and patience just like any Christian does. Because of this the story is not simply the son who needs a miracle to survive, but the struggles of having faith when things seem hopeless. Also adding a lot to this movie is the pastor of the family's church. The mom does not understand him and how he puts pop culture references in his sermons and permits rap music at church. This has lead to some friction between them. However he never questions that both him and the mom need to be there for the son. The interaction between the two characters is very well done and portrayed in a very believable way. From the preview I assumed the pastor would just be an attempt by the filmmakers to make the film feel cool hip and up to date, but he ended up being a very human and very real character. Even the side characters are fully formed such as the man who got the son up out of the water after hearing from God and the girl who has a crush on the son. Both of these characters have their own story-arcs that feel complete and well put into the film. Though the son is in a coma for most of the movie, when he isn't he also shows himself to be a fully defined character, who is a good kid but has his own insecurities and struggles.

The true story this movie is based on is a powerful one that delivers a great message. It is true the trailers pretty much spoiled the whole story, but it does not lessen the film's impact one bit. The emotional scenes all hit perfectly leading one to really feel sad and feel very happy at the times the movie wants you to.

A must see for my fellow Christians and highly recommended to everybody else as well.

-Michael J. Ruhland      

 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Mathew 19:26

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