Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Movie Review: Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation


Review Written By Michael J. Ruhland

Michael's Movie Grade: F

Review: Well everybody seems to like this movie, so I almost regret to say I'm not among that crowd. This is my first and probably last Mission: Impossible film. It just felt bland, and lifeless, and on top of that it went on for much too long.

The main character Ethan Hunt is bland and boring. He has no likability and I just couldn't come to care if he lived or not. On top of this Tom Cruise makes the character worse because it feels as if he is just phoning it in. If I do not care about the main character, I do not care about the action scenes. I am a type of person who can't enjoy an action scene unless I have an emotional connection with the characters, and there was not one character worth caring about in this film.

Director/Writer Christopher McQuarrie perfect understands action movie cliches and there was nothing in this film I felt I had seen before, but done better.

The action looked cool, but since there was no emotional attachment it came off as still boring. However the rest of the audience seemed to enjoy the film a lot, so there is an audience for this movie, I am just not part of it. Maybe I'm just not enough of an action fan. If you are looking for action, and don't want to try anything new maybe you'll like this, but for me it was awful.

-Michael J. Ruhland

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