Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Suicide Squad Isekai: Episode 3 (2024)


Another great episode. 

In this episode the squad tries to break into the fortress to complete the mission, they have been given. 

There is so much to enjoy about this episode. Here we see them even more integrated into this anime fantasy world. The result is very well done. Though they are in many ways they are out of place in this strange environment, their quirky personalities fit perfectly. This leads to a lot of great humor that is truly laugh out loud funny and some delightfully over the top action scenes. This episode also gives us some truly great worldbuilding. This is especially true in the scenes where the squad is meeting with the queen and princess. The worldbuilding continues after that though as we learn how this world effects the characters' powers and abilities. At the same time, this episode also hints that there is much more to be reveled in the future, such as the princess' connection to Harley Quinn. Once again, the artwork is simply beautiful, especially all the shots of the outside of the fortress. 

This continues to be a delightful series that combines DC Comics and Isekai anime extremely well. 

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