Friday, August 9, 2024

Movie Review: Borderlands


Michael's Movie Grade: D-

A very generic and very bland sci-fi action movie.

This film is based on a series of video games. But don't worry you don't have to know anything about the games to truly hate this movie. I've never played the games (though I have read that they are much better than the film), so I can't judge this as an adaption. However, as a movie, it is really bad. This film really wants to be like so many other recent (and not so recent) sci-fi hits, most notably the Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy. But it fails to understand what made those movies work so well. Nearly everything about Borderlands simply falls flat. The characters are extremely one-note. Because of this it is hard to care about them at all. This leads almost every emotional scene to fall completely flat. To make matters worse the robot Claptrap is one of the most annoying characters in the history of sci-fi (and that includes Jar Jar Binks). I understand he was supposed to get on some of the characters' nerves, but he got on mine even more. When even Jack Black can't save a character, you know he is bad. This movie is also filled with wall-to-wall jokes. Yet none of them are even the slightest bit funny. Some of them are even quite irritating. There are times when you truly wonder if anyone working on this film thought any of these jokes were even the slightest bit funny. The sci-fi world this take place in is as bland and generic as it can be. The storyline is just as generic and every moment you feel like you have seen this all before many times. 

The only things saving this film from getting a "F" are that the action scenes are decent (nothing great but they do their job) and that a great cast does the best they can. Other than that this movie is a complete waste of time. 

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