Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Movie Review: The Crow


Michael's Movie Grade: D-

An excruciatingly boring comic book film. 

Whether you choose to look at this as a remake of the 1994 movie, an adaption of the 1989 comic book series, or as a standalone film, it is still a complete disappointment. This is a movie about a man coming back from the dead to kill those who were responsible for the death of him and his girlfriend in order to save his girlfriend's soul from Hell. From this description the last thing you would expect this movie to be is boring. However, that is exactly what this film is. The Crow runs for less than two hours but feels like it will never end. The film starts with a lengthy love story before the premise even begins. The romance here is incredibly cliché and not that interesting. We never feel a connection to either of these characters and the romantic dialogue is often painfully corny. These early romantic scenes are also very slow paced, which doesn't help at all. Pacing is a problem throughout this whole movie. The early part of this film seems to move at a snail's pace, while the later scenes seem incredibly rushed. When this movie moves into pure action in its third act, the action scenes are just as disappointing. The action scenes are very gory and over the top. However, they completely lack any sense of suspense or danger. We never once worry that anything might happen to our "hero" and for most of these action scenes everything simply seems too easy for him that we don't feel any excitement. This movie also suffers from boring villains and equally boring protagonists. This makes it even harder to care about anything that happens on screen. 

The only thing this movie has going for it is its look. This film has a delightfully effective and atmospheric gothic look to it. There is also some very stylish filmmaking such as the scene at the opera house, which is very well shot and staged. Unfortunately, good visuals can't make up for a movie, where everything else is terrible.     

A major disappointment. 

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