Monday, August 26, 2024

Movie Review: Slingshot


Michael's Movie Grade: C+

An enjoyable but familiar sci-fi thriller.

This film follows a group of men that blast into space to find a new planet for mankind to inhabit. During their journey they are given certain drugs to hibernate for long parts of this trip. However, these drugs end up messing with their minds, until they can't tell reality from hallucinations. 

There is a lot to really like about this movie. The main character is quite likable and well played by Casey Affleck. This movie also does a great job of fully putting ourselves in his shoes. We feel so much of his anxiety as we like him question everything we see and hear. The fact that we follow this character and never see what happens when he isn't around, increases this connection we feel to the character. This leads to a truly suspenseful third act. This final act really puts you on the edge of your seat. The ending to this film is fantastic and the perfect way to end such a story. This movie is also a visual treat, and the spacecraft has a very atmospheric feel. 

The main problem with this film is that it is simply way too familiar. For a movie that tries hard to be something new and thought-provoking, it is hard to watch it and not think of many similar films. The problem is while this movie works, it falls short of those similar films, which simply did everything better. The movie also suffers from some very corny dialogue and a not very interesting romance. The movie also feels a little too long and can drag at times.

This may not be a great movie, but it certainly has enough that works to make me glad I watched it. 

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