Monday, August 19, 2024

Movie Review: Rob Peace


Michael's Movie Grade: B

A well-made biopic.

This movie tells the true story of a young man, who is incredibly intelligent and who's intelligence gives him opportunities that few in his situation would get a chance for. However, he puts it all at risk by dealing drugs in order to raise money to help his father who is in jail. 

The film does a wonderful job of helping us fully understand the main character. One of the hardest type of characters for movies to get right is the good person who does bad things. Often times movies either make the character completely unlikable or play down their flaws. This movie gives us not only a very likable character but also one that we greatly admire. Yet at the same time, it doesn't downplay how wrong his actions are. This is also perfectly captured in a wonderful performance by Chiwetel Ejiofor (who also wrote and directed the film). As a director and writer Ejiofor is obviously very passionate about this story and that can be felt throughout the whole movie. Because of this the emotional moments in this film work extremely well. The film also gives a very intelligent social commentary without ever becoming preachy or didactic. 

However, this movie does have the same problem as most biopics. That is that it tries to do too much in one movie. Because of this some plot points can feel rushed, and the supporting characters are not very fleshed out. 

Even if this movie has the same flaws as many biopics, it still works very well due to being a good story that is well told. 

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