Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Movie Review: Kneecap


Michael's Movie Grade: B

A musical biopic that manages to stand out from the countless others. 

This movie has four things that help it stand out from all the musical biopics that are populating movie theaters lately. First is that this is a band who many watching would never have heard of (I certainly haven't). They are an Irish rap band who performed songs in the Irish language as a form of protest in an effort to help keep this langue and therefore the culture alive. Second is that the band is played by themselves. While such an idea may sound like it is doomed to fail, it actually works very well. The band are all surprisingly good actors feeling completely natural in this unfamiliar territory. This also helps give an air of authenticity that is missing in many current musical biopics. Third is that it tries to be more than just a typical musical biopic. This film is also a very intelligent look at Irish culture, while still be completely accessible to audiences from other countries. In fact, non-Irish viewers will probably learn a few things from this film (this blogger from the U.S. did). It also stands firm in its political beliefs and never shies away from being as controversial as the band itself was. While I loved the look at the need to persevere cultures and not let them die, I do admit I found this film's celebration of drug taking and especially drug dealing to be more than a little off-putting. However, that is a part of who the band is so perhaps even if I don't like it, it still adds to the authenticity. Fourth is that this is a very stylish and playful film. This movie is full of a sense of irreverent humor that is truly funny at times and gives the film a unique feel. This film is also very playful in its visual style. I love how it even has fun with the use of subtitles during the song numbers. 

As for the music, I admit that rap music simply isn't my taste. I try to have a wide taste in music, but rap simply doesn't appeal to me. This does not mean I have anything against it though. In fact, this group is immensely talented and even if the music isn't my taste, I still greatly admire their talent and know that not in a million years could I ever do what they do.  

This movie does however become quite predictable and familiar in its third act. As much as the rest of this movie tries to be something very different from your average biopic, as it goes on it simply falls into a lot of the same clichés that persist in most of these films. I also felt that many of the supporting characters could have been much more fleshed out than they were. 

While not perfect, this is a very entertaining film that is simply a lot of fun to watch.   

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