Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Movie Review: Khel Khel Mein


Michael's Movie Grade: C

A decent enough comedy-drama from India. 

This Indian film is a remake of the Italian movie, Perfect Strangers (2016) (which has already been remade plenty of times). While it can't quite live up to the original, this movie is good enough for a fun trip to the movies. The basic plot of a group of friends having a dinner party where they have to share every text, email and call they receive on their cell phones is still a very clever one. It highlights how everyone has another side to them that even their closest friends don't know about. Also important for a film like this is that the main characters (and the actors portraying them) all have great chemistry with each other. They truly seem like a group of best friends who have known each other their whole lives. Because of this we have an emotional connection to them throughout the whole film, even when things get very soap opera like towards the end. 

The humor in this movie is fine. There definitely moments that I smiled or even laughed out loud here. However, I felt that this movie as a whole was never as funny as it should have been and quite a few comedic moments fall flat. 

This movie also feels much longer than it needs to be, and this causes it to drag sometimes. The music in this movie (with the exception of the opening song) can be quite distracting at times as it often doesn't fit the action on screen. The dialogue in this film can often be too clumsy and preachy. I agree with much of what this movie is saying but sadly the way it chooses to convey these messages is through overly preachy and unnatural dialogue. 

Don't expect anything great from this film but it is reasonably entertaining for what it is.  

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