Thursday, August 1, 2024

Suicide Squad Isekai: Episode 1 (2024)


A fun debut to this anime adaption of DC's popular team of anti-heroes. 

There is a lot to love about this first episode. One thing that I love about it is that though Harley is the main character, the other characters don't feel shoved to the background. Actually, they each get their own time to shine. I also love the pure creativity of this series. The premise itself of the Suicide Squad being forced into a fantasy world for their first mission is fantastic. The design of this fantasy world is fantastic. It is simply a feat for the eyes, with incredible background art, great designs of the fantasy characters and a delightful sense of atmosphere that feels quite different from the usual DC universe. Even the scenes before they enter the fantasy world are well done, especially The Joker's piano driven car. 

This episode does have some flaws though. I do not think the design or the voice for The Joker fit the character at all. Also, I felt many of the comedic moments simply fell flat. 

This is a good start to what will hopefully be a fun series. 


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