Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Movie Review: Mars Express


Michael's Movie Grade: A+

An incredibly intelligent animated sci-fi movie from France. 

The most important aspect of any sci-fi movie is the world building. Luckily this film builds its world brilliantly. In only a matter of the first few minutes, you already find yourself drawn into the dark but irresistible world of this movie. And as the film goes on, the world only feels more and more real. There is so much attention to detail and thought that goes into how this world works. What makes this even more impressive is that little of this is conveyed through long bits of exposition. Instead, the way we learn about this world comes directly from watching the story unfold. What also makes this world so intriguing and fascinating is the many parallels to the world we are living in today. Because of this it is easy to form an emotional connection to what is happening on screen. This also allows the film to provide very intelligent commentary on such important topics as the rise of AI, racism, prostitution, alcoholism, class distinction and our reliance on technology. This film never dumbs down any of the deep topics it delves into. In fact, it often digs right into the complexities of the many moral dilemmas addressed. There are no easy answers to be found anywhere in this movie and the filmmakers are not afraid to make you leave the theatre asking yourself the big questions. Yet as this film addresses important topics, it never becomes preachy or didactic because everything flows naturally from the story and characters. 

This movie also benefits from some very complex characters. While our protagonists are likable, they are not without their demons. The filmmakers show no fear of delving headfirst into these characters' demons. Yet it is the combination of their more admirable traits and their darker traits that make them so real to us. The complexity of the characters is another reason the sci-fi world feels so real to us. Because when the characters feel real than so does the world they inhabit. 

As smart and thought provoking as this movie is, it also works as great mainstream entertainment. This is an action packed and suspenseful film that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The action scenes here are brilliantly done and as exciting as anything Hollywood has to offer. 

This movie is further proof that animation is truly a great artform that is equal to (or perhaps greater than) live action filmmaking.  

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